Cacao News

Cacao in Cambodia, Report 2022
🔗 Cacao in Cambodia, Report 2022click the link above to see the full report on YouTube. If you have questions about this report, please email to    📋PDF...
Cacao in Cambodia, Report 2022
🔗 Cacao in Cambodia, Report 2022click the link above to see the full report on YouTube. If you have questions about this report, please email to    📋PDF...

Flavor Profile Bunong Cacao
Lab Tests Bunong Cacao Flavor Profile - Scientific practice of interpreting consumers’ sensory reactions to products. 1. We are using Malaysian Cocoa Board research evaluation as the high standard research...
Flavor Profile Bunong Cacao
Lab Tests Bunong Cacao Flavor Profile - Scientific practice of interpreting consumers’ sensory reactions to products. 1. We are using Malaysian Cocoa Board research evaluation as the high standard research...

Live to 100! The Secret Formula from a Remote A...
By Stefan Struik In 1944, Benjamin H. Kean was a 32-year-old army surgeon stationed in the Panama Canal Zone by the US army. Later he would play a disputed role...
Live to 100! The Secret Formula from a Remote A...
By Stefan Struik In 1944, Benjamin H. Kean was a 32-year-old army surgeon stationed in the Panama Canal Zone by the US army. Later he would play a disputed role...

The future of Cacao farming: CocoaBots
By Stefan Struik Many farmers of diary farms in the Netherlands, USA and Canada are no longer getting up at dawn to attach the milking machine to their cows. They have milk...
The future of Cacao farming: CocoaBots
By Stefan Struik Many farmers of diary farms in the Netherlands, USA and Canada are no longer getting up at dawn to attach the milking machine to their cows. They have milk...

Who introduced cacao to Asia?
By Stefan Struik On 2 June 1603, Dutch admiral Joris van Spilbergen stood before King Vimaladharmasuriya I of Kandy (Ceylon, Sri lanka). Van Spilbergen had just arrived after a 12-months journey that brought him from...
Who introduced cacao to Asia?
By Stefan Struik On 2 June 1603, Dutch admiral Joris van Spilbergen stood before King Vimaladharmasuriya I of Kandy (Ceylon, Sri lanka). Van Spilbergen had just arrived after a 12-months journey that brought him from...